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BLG LOGISTICS Global Logistics at your door BLG Logistics combines American Innovation with German Engineering to power Logistics Efficiency for your company. BLG Logistics, Inc. is the U.S....
Sitemap About Us Industries Logistics Services Careers News and Media Locations Contact Us Automotive Consumer Goods & Retail Industrial Manufacturing Data protection Imprint Supplier Code of Conduct...
BLG Logistics Inc. US Executive Team: Kirk Atkinson, President and CEO Mandy Johnston, Chief Financial Officer Press Contact: Address: 6801 5th Street, ...
Data protection
Data Protection Notice of BLG Logistics Inc. 1. General use Use of and access to the BLG Logistics Inc. website is subject to the following conditions. BLG Logistics Inc. does not recognize any...
Supplier Code of Conduct
Supplier Code of Conduct These purchasing conditions apply to all purchase, work and other service contracts between BLG LOGISTICS, INC and the BLG affiliated companies as buyers/clients and the...
Locations BLG Logistics North America headquarters are located in Vance, AL. Here, BLG Logistics operates multiple facilities for one of the largest German auto-manufacturers, and is also home to...
Contact Us
Contact Do you have any more questions? Please feel free to contact us about any matter via our contact form. We will be happy to answer any questions you have about BLG LOGISTICS. Contact Form Name...

Vance The following services are offered in Vance: Supplier Logistics Center (SLC) The Supplier Logistics Center (SLC) is a 120,000 square foot facility that provides warehousing and Just In Sequence...
About Us
About BLG Logistics BLG Logistics, Inc. is the U.S. subsidiary of BLG LOGISTICS GROUP, a world leader in third-party logistics services. We provide unique value-added solutions to highly technical...

Industries at a Glance Automotive We provide comprehensive Automotive Logistics - ranging from procurement of the packaging and parts assemblies/sub-assemblies to just-in-sequence production supply,...